I woke up and started surfing the net to find a replacement tent for my ArtPrize venue. I found one on Craigslist in nearby Lowell; it was a used one that they were asking $500 for. It might be worth it were still available and if I could get it quickly. I also found that Sam's Club in Comstock Park had some white pop-ups for $89 according to the phone representative there. I will buy that one at the end of the day if I don't hear anything about the other one.
I went to the temporary studio inside the arena and painted until early afternoon then I went for lunch and stopped by the Gerald R. Ford Museum to see Leslie's display. I talked with her a little, studied her exhibit, and congratulated her on placing in the top 25 2-D exhibits. I also visited DeVos Place and the hotel connecting south hallways to all of the art there. I returned to the arena studio and painted some more until deciding to go to Sam's Club to buy their white tent.
I found the tents but the $89 tent was blue and the white tent was $199. I decided the white tent was the better choice although more than I would liked to have spent it was good quality and worth the price even though I had to pay the 10% mark-up because I i'm not a member.
I arrived back at my GR home about 9:30PM and retired shortly after fixing and eating some dinner.